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Thursday, 14 January 2016, Seria – The Fabrication & Welding (FNW) Section, Department of Energy of IBTE Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah (SVSB) Campus is officially recognized as a TWI Accredited Training Centre in a ceremony held earlier today at the Lecture Theatre, Department of Mechanical, IBTE SVSB Campus.
Present as the guest of honor at the event was the Deputy CEO (Development) IBTE, Mr Lim Kian Boon. The ceremony began with the welcoming remarks given by the Principal of IBTE SVSB campus, Awang Akandi bin Abd Razak followed by a speech delivered by Mohamed Darus bin Taib, the Director of TWI Technology (SE Asia) Sdn. Bhd. The event continued with the handing over of the TWI accreditation certificate to the principal of IBTE SVSB campus by the Director of TWI Technology and witnessed by the guest of honor.
The Welding Institute (TWI) is one of the world’s leading professional engineering institution responsible for the professional registration and certification of welding and joining personnel worldwide. With this TWI certification, the FNW section will run their programmes following the standards set by TWI.
Among those present at the event were deputy CEOs and divisional directors of IBTE, IBTE campuses principals and instructors from IBTE SVSB Campus.
Happy New Year From IBTE
A new year is upon us. This means it is time to look back on our accomplishments and gear up as we continue to grow as individuals on the year ahead. In 2015, we have carried out numerous initiatives to realign our technical and vocational education system to the demands of the industries with the aim in producing highly-skilled and competent workforce who possesses the appropriate qualifications and industry accredited skills. Your support has been incredible in 2015 and we look forward in achieving even more in 2016.
May the New Year bring us all together to greater heights of success and prosperity. To our staffs and students, welcome back! From everyone here at IBTE, we would like to wish you a very Happy New Year!