Danial Lim – Borneo Bulletin
Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) Unit of the Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) Jefri Bolkiah Campus (JBC) organised an exhibition recently.
The exhibition is part of an assignment for Diploma in Marine Engineering and Diploma in Nautical Studies students comprising 40 per cent of their assessment in the MIB module.
The exhibition highlighted the importance of preserving the culture and traditions of the Malay community.
It was facilitated by MIB Instructor Fahrurrazi bin Haji Matali and the 16 students involved had three weeks to prepare the exhibits.
The exhibits were assessed by Lecturer from Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) Norapizah binti Zalani, Programme Head of Office Administration and MIB at IBTE Business Campus Nurazimah binti Haji Duah, Faculty Head of General Studies and MIB lecturer at Kolej International Graduate Studies (KIGS) Md Syakirin bin Suhaimi, and MIB lecturer at KIGS Md Adi Zulfadhli bin Abdul Rahman.
The exhibition concluded with the handing over of certificates to the judges by IBTE JBC Academic Manager Rosmah binti Haji Salman.