Institute of Brunei Technical Education held a Tree Planting Campaign in conjunction with the Green Protocol and Day of Action. The event was jointly officiated by the Guest of Honour Yang Mulia Dr Hj Mohd Zamri bin Hj Sabli, Chief Executive Office of Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) and invited guests Yang Mulia Hajah Rohayati binti Haji Damit, Assistant Manager in Business Relations for Mitsubishi Corporation Brunei Liaison Office as well as Yang Berhormat Dayang Khairunnisa binti Awang Haji Ash’ari, appointed member of Legislative Council. Other guests include the Senior Management Team of IBTE Sultan Bolkiah Campus and respective Programme Leaders.
The Tree Planting Campaign serves as a support to the Green Protocol Guidelines, which is one of the initiatives towards reduction of carbon footprint in government premises.
With that, a total of 22 saplings have been planted around the buildings in IBTE Sultan Bolkiah Campus. These saplings were contributed by Mitsubishi Corporation Brunei Liaison Office to IBTE in support of the event. The contributions are part of the Environmental Education Tour Project.