SATURDAY, 29th July- The Brunei History Centre collaborate with IBTE Nakhoda Ragam Campus to held a programme event with theme ‘Menelusuri Salasilah Sultan-Sultan Brunei yang terbilang’ (Exploring the Ancestry of the Eminent Sultans of Brunei). This programme is in conjunction with the celebration of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muʿizzaddin Waddaulah 77th Birthday.

Present as the guest of honour is YM Cikgu Noorisman bin Mentarais, The head School of Building Technology Services and the Central Campus management comprises of the Head of Schools, Operation Managers and Academik Managers.

Also in attendance of the programme is Acting Head of the penBORNEO Division, YM Dr. Mardiah binti Haji Ramli.

Over 200 students from the School of Building Technology Services and the School of Energy and Engineering attended the programme.

The programme also included an exhibition and several activities that were aimed to deepen the understanding on the history of the Sultanate and to instill the patriotism in the students.