TUNGKU, 7th AUGUST- Ten officials from Pedro E. Diaz Highschool, Philippines is visiting IBTE Mechanical Campus as part of their four-day visit to SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre, Brunei Darussalam. The ten officials comprises of Curriculum Chiefs, Supervisors, School Heads/Principals, Master Teachers and Young Professionals.
The purpose of this visit is to explore and gain insights into the state-of-the-art facilities in the fields of automotive, furniture and cabinet making, cookery, computer, and robotics. The delegation is also keen on benchmarking the best practices in these areas during their visit.

Present to welcome the delegates is Cikgu Armi Durani bin Haji Durhman, the Acting Principal IBTE Central. The event started with the recital of Al-Fatihah and a brief video presentation on the safety and the introduction to IBTE.

The Head of the School give a presentation on the School of Energy and Engineering Central to share the programmes offered in the IBTE.

The delegates also toured the IBTE Mechanical Campus Heavy Vehicle Mechanics Workshop and the Automobile Workshop. The instructors and students shared the importance in handling the proper equipment and machinery when running the programme.