BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN- Opening Ceremony for IBTE Open Day was held at Dewan RUANG, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex. Presented as the guest of honour was Yang Mulia Haji Norjemee bin Jenek, Acting Deputy CEO (Academic) of Institut Pendidikan Teknikal Brunei (IBTE).
The ceremony began with the recital of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat, follow by Yang Mulia Haji Norjemee bin Jenek struck the opening ceremony gong to officiated the event. After that, the guest of honour was visiting each booths, showcase and exhibition done by IBTE students.

The Open Day was two days event, started on Wednesday, 20th September 2023 until Thursday, 21st September 2023. A total of 10 programmes in HNTec level, NTec level and ISQ level being offered for the upcoming February Intake 2024. The schools that involved during the Open Day were IBTE School of Information and Communication Technology (SICT), IBTE School of Energy and Engineering Central (SEEC) and IBTE School of Hospitality and Tourism (SHNT).
The objective of this event is to give the opportunities for the applicants and public to get to know more information regarding the offered programmes in IBTE as well as to seek consultation and suggestion from the instructors and the IBTE students.

The Continuing Education and Training (CET) were also involved during the IBTE Open Day, offering consultation on the short courses and programmes tailored for adult learners.

TVECAS Station service were provided for ‘walk in registration’ to the applicants who wish to apply to IBTE on the spot. IBTE students who involved in the event organised various activities such as Bake Sales, Barista Showcase, Traditional Brunei quiz and exhibition from each school.

Schools under the Department of Schools, Ministry of Education are very welcome to visit the event; which a group of students and teachers from Sekolah Sukan Brunei Darussalam had visited the IBTE Open Day for the consultations and activities.