TUESDAY, BRUNEI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT– 21 students from IBTE were prepared to be send off to Lanzhou, China to study at Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology (LPUVT). Present at the Brunei International Airport for the send off ceremony were Dr Haji Mohd Zamri bin Haji Sabli, IBTE CEO/ Director of Technical of Education, His Excellency Mr.Xiao Jianguo, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Brunei Darussalam and Mr. Chen Lian Cai, CEO of Hengyi Industries.
The ceremony started with the recital of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat, followed by brief remarks and word of encouragements from both His Excellency Mr.Xiao Jianguo and Dr Haji Mohd Zamri bin Haji Sabli for the students. The session ends with group photos before the students flight.

These students are the fifth batch to be awarded scholarship in Diploma of Refinery Operator under the Joint Scholarship Programme between Hengyi Industries, IBTE and Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology (LPUVT).
Established in 2018, the programme is part of Hengyi’s Future-Ready Initiative with the aim of empowering local talents with the knowledge and skills required
Hengyi Refinery Operator training program- a joint collaboration between HYBN and Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) that established in 2018 as part of Hengyi’s Future-Ready Initiative that involve a 3-year programme; with one year of academic study at IBTE Jefri Bolkiah Campus, one year study at LPUVT in Lanzhou, China and, one year industrial training at Hengyi Industries at Pulau Muara Besar.