This section presents general information about what is expected of students and how progress toward graduation is measured. It is also intended to offer clarification of certain IBTE academic policies.
Awarding of Certificates
The Certificate will be awarded to students who have satisfactorily fulfilled the following requirements:
- Accumulate the required numbers of credits for the programme of study;
- A minimum 85% of the overall attendance
Failure to fulfill the above for the award will be issues an Achievement Transcript only.
Award of Higher National Technical Education Certificate and National Technical Education Certificate
The HNTec and Achievement Transcript and NTec and Achievement Transcript will be awarded to students who have satisfactorily fulfilled all the prescribed requirements below:
- A pass in each Compulsory Module
- A pass in each Core Generic Module
- A pass in each Core Specialised Module
- A pass in Life Skills for Workplace and Life Skills for Personal Development,
- Accumulation of a minimum total credit value of the programme (excluding Industrial Attachment)
- A satisfactory completion of a minimum of 95% attendance for Industrial Attachment where applicable
- A minimum of 85% of the overall institution-based attendance.
Assessment & Grading System
Assessment may be a combination of continuous assessments and end tests. Students must pass all types of assessments in order to pass the module and each assessment method/s and weighting will be specified in the module guide.
The final grade for the module will be awarded according to the final mark obtained, provided that the student meets the requirements.
The marks obtained on any assessment (including resit) must not be below the passing mark stated in the module guide.
A student who fails a resit in any one type of assessment but achieves a final overall Pass mark of above will be graded an F in that particular module.
Grade | Description | % Range (marks) |
A* | High distinction | 90-100 |
A | Distinction | 80-89 |
B | High Merit | 70-79 |
C | Merit | 60-69 |
D | Pass | 50-59 |
F | Fail | <50 |
Students are allowed ONE resit for any type of failed assessment. Resit must be taken before the next semester. Resits must be of the same standard as of the failed assessment and should normally be taken after remedial work has been given to the students. The highest mark which can be awarded for a resit is the passing mark stated in the module guide.
Students absent with a valid reason will be allowed to sit for the assessment at a later date and will be considered a first attempt. Reasons which may be considered valid should be in accordance with the Rules of Attendance.
Students absent without a valid reason will be allowed to sit the assessment at a later date but this will be considered a resit. Students absent without a valid reason for a second time will be deemed to have FAILED the assessment.
Late Submission
Students who fail to submit their assignments / projects by the deadline without any valid reason will incur a deduction of 10 marks within 3 working days. Students will be given 0% if they submit after 3 working days and this will be followed with a resit.
Repeats and Progression
Students who fail any module(s) will be required to repeat the failed module(s) only. Progression to the next semester will be determined by the Academic Board. A student is allowed only ONE chance to repeat the failed module(s).
It is compulsory for IBTE students to achieve minimum 85% of the overall attendance. Students will be marked as absent for a lesson if s/he is late for more than 15 minutes.
Failure to attend any lesson without a valid reason is counted as absence. All valid reasons should be verified by an appropriate appointment card, letter or medical certificate. Valid reasons may include the following:
- Illness,
- Hospital appointment,
- Illness within immediate family,
- Bereavement leave **
- Participation in a tournament/event representing the country,
- Authorized campus/school event,
- Attendance at government functions,
- Civil court attendance,
- Any reasons or letters deemed valid by institutions such as taking examination as a private candidate and driving test.
**A letter confirming the bereavement must be sent to the group leader or institutions.
If the overall attendance of a student in any month of the programme falls below 85%, the following procedure will apply:
Issuance of 1st warning letter
The institution will counsel the student and a first warning letter will be sent to the student, a copy to the parents/guardians, and in the case of in-service students, a copy to the employers. In all cases the institution must receive an acknowledgement letter from the concerned parties.
Issuance of 2nd warning letter
The institution will counsel the student and a second warning letter will be sent to the student, a copy to the parents/guardians, and in the case of in-service students, a copy to the employers. In all cases the institution must receive an acknowledgement letter from the concerned parties.
Issuance of 3rd warning letter
The institution will counsel the student and a third warning letter will be sent to the student, a copy to the parents/guardians, and in the case of in-service students, a copy to the employers. In all cases the institution must receive an acknowledgement letter from the concerned parties. The student and his/her parents/guardians will be required to sign an agreement* in the presence of the Principal.
*in the case of married students and in-service students the agreement will be between the institution and the individual student.
If in the fourth instance, the student’s overall attendance for any month of the programme falls below 85%, a termination letter will be issued to the student and his/her parents/guardians/employer after the third warning letter has been issued. The letter will be endorsed by the Academic Board of the institution.
Disciplinary Guidelines
IBTE aims to provide a safe, disciplined and healthy environment in which learning can take place unimpeded by the unsatisfactory conduct or performance of others. This means working within an agreed code of behaviour and above all, developing habits of self-discipline, tolerance and co-operation. IBTE has clear expectations of the behaviour of its students, and expects all of its students to follow all of its rules, policies and procedures at all times.
Plagiarism is a serious offence in IBTE and will result in disciplinary action. It Is defined as the representing of someone else’s work (copying from others, from a book or website) including the work of other students, in an assignment and claiming it as one’s own original work. Any idea or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged unless the information is common knowledge.
1st time offence – The student involved will be consulted and if the student’s explanation is found to be unsatisfactory a FIIRST warning letter will be issued. The student will receive 0 marks for the assignment but s/he will be allowed to resubmit the assignment which will be considered a resit.
2nd time offence – if proven, the student will be issued a SECOND warning letter and s/he will have deemed to have failed the module.
3rd time offence – the students will be WITHDRAWN from the programme. However, a student may not be penalized for plagiarism in any way without advising the student (in writing or counselling) that a penalty has been imposed.
Misconduct / Crime
Strict disciplinary actions will be taken on any students who have alleged participated in any of the following offences as stated in the ‘Buku Panduan Disiplin bagi Institusi Pendidikan dan Asrama 2007’:
- unauthorized use or taking of Institute property
- Engaging in actions that may cause reputational damage to the College
- Engaging in acts of dishonesty, including theft, deceit, or deception in relation to the Institute, IBTE documentation, its staff or students
- Physical assault and sexual harassment,
- Deliberate Damage to Institute and Campus Property
- Incapacity due to the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Anti Social Behavior