SATURDAY, 24th JUNE 2023 – Institute of Brunei Techincal Education held a charity walkathon at the Stadium
Negara Hassanal Bolkiah, Berakas in conjunction of the launching of IBTE Donation Drive. Around
2500 attended the event consisting of IBTE staff and students from all 7 campuses, namely IBTE
Sultan Saiful Rijal Campus, IBTE Jefri Bolkiah Campus, IBTE Sultan Bolkiah Campus, IBTE Nakhoda
Ragam Campus, IBTE Mechanical Campus, IBTE Business Campus, and IBTE Agrotechnology Campus,
and IBTE Headquarters.

The guest of honour officiating the event was Hajah Tutiaty binti Haji Abdul Wahab, Permenent
Secretary of Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism. The event started with a doa recitation by
Ustaz Shahrul Anuar bin Haji Minudin of IBTE Sultan Saiful Rijal Campus, followed by a warm up
session lead by TVET Academy teachers in training from Royal Brunei Armed Forces and Royal Brunei
Police Force. The flagoff for the walkathon was done by IBTE CEO Dr Haji Mohd Zambri bin Haji Sabli.

The IBTE Donation Drive was held in March and April 2023, and the monies collected 70% will be
used to further support the teaching and learning experience of IBTE students, as well as improve
student welfares. 30% of the donation will be donated to help fund two non government
organization’s special education initiatives, namely Learning Ladder Society and An-Nur Harapan,
and the handover will be announced at a later date.